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What is C Sharp?

Introduction to C Sharp


C# is a universally useful, multi-worldview programming language. C# incorporates static composing, heavy drafting, organically perused, basic, revelatory, practical, conventional, object-oriented (class-based), and multi-platform programming language. The C# programming language was planned by Anders Hejlsberg from Microsoft in 2000 and was subsequently endorsed as a worldwide norm by Ecma (ECMA-334) in 2002 and ISO/IEC in 2003. Microsoft presented C# alongside .NET Framework and Visual Studio, the two of which were shut source. Net applications are multi-stage applications and structures can be utilized from dialects like C++, C#, and Visual Basic. It is planned in a way so different languages can use it.

At that point, Microsoft had no open-source items. After four years, in 2004, a free and open-source project called Mono started, giving a cross-stage compiler and runtime environment for the C# programming language. After 10 years, Microsoft delivered Visual Studio Code (code proofreader), Roslyn (compiler), and the brought together .NET stage (programming structure), which support C# and are all free, open-source, and cross-stage. C# has roots in the C family, and the language is near other famous dialects like C++ and Java. The main rendition was delivered in the year 2002. The most recent rendition, C# 8, was delivered in September 2019.

Evolution of C Sharp


In January 1999, Anders Hejlsberg shaped a group to create another language at the time called Cool, which meant “C-like Object Oriented Language”. Microsoft had thought about keeping the name “Cool” as the last name of the language, however, decided not to do as such for brand name reasons. When the .NET venture was freely reported at the July 2000 Professional Developers Conference, the language had been renamed C# pronounced as C-Sharp

  • C# version 1.0 contained a few little language improvements. Most remarkable is that beginning with this variant, the code produced for each circle is called Dispose.
  • C# version 2.0 dealt with Generics, Fractional sorts, Mysterious techniques, and Iterators.
  • C# version 3.0 came along with Auto-executed properties, Verifiably composed local factors, query articulations, Lambda articulations, Expression trees, new techniques extension techniques
  • C# version 4.0 had Dynamic restricting, Named contentions, Conventional covariant and contravariant, and Inserted interop types.
  • C# rendition 5.0, delivered with Visual Studio 2012, was an engaging variant of the language.
  • Version 6.0, released with articulation-bodied individuals, Static imports, null propagator, Exemption channel, and Auto-property initializers.
  • C# version 7.0 came with Out factors, Tuples deconstruction, Design coordinating, Nearby capabilities, Extended articulation bodied individuals.
  • C# 7.1 added the language variant determination arrangement component, three new dialect highlights, and new compiler conduct.
  • There are two primary subjects to the C# 7.3 delivery. One subject gives includes that empower safe code to be as performant as hazardous code. The subsequent subject gives gradual enhancements to existing elements.
  • C# 8.0 is the principal major C# discharge that explicitly targets .NET Core. A few highlights depend on new CLR capacities, others on library types added exclusively in .NET Core.
  • 9.0 had Covariant bring types back, Extention, GetEnumerator support for each circle and Lambda dispose of boundaries.
  • C# version 10 added Record structs, Enhancements of design types, Introduced string controllers, worldwide utilizing mandates, Document checked namespace statements, Expanded property designs, Enhancements for lambda articulations, and Permit constantly introduced strings.

Features of C Sharp


  • C# is a simple language as it gives an organized methodology. It incorporated a basic information type and design to create. There is no utilization of perplexing administrators. It simplifies it to figure out the functioning system.
  • This is one of the most incredible elements of C#. The classes and information types are normal to all of the .NET dialects including C# programming. On the off chance that you are learned classes in C++, it will be normal for you.
  • This is another feature of C sharp. Speed makes programming perfect. The C# gathering and execution speed are quick. Speed makes the application smooth and solid.
  • C# is an organized programming language as in we can break the program into parts utilizing capabilities. In this way, it is understandable and changes.
  • We use C# programming for a strong and strong application. Exhibits and items are introduced by nothing. By default, the compiler looks at the variety of limits and so on. C# safe sort can get to the consent memory.
  • C# is a versatile and updateable programming language. To scale and refresh our application we erase the old documents and update them with new ones. It’s one more importable and advanced element of C# programming.
  • C# type safe code can only access the memory location that it has permission to execute. Therefore it improves the security of the program.

Closing Thoughts


Since C# is a lot like other generally utilized languages linguistically, it is more straightforward to code and learn in C#. Projects can be written in C# in any of the broadly utilized content managers like Notepad++, gedit, and so forth, or on any of the compilers. After composing the program save the record with the augmentation .cs.

C# gives usefulness to help current programming improvement. A portion of the cutting-edge programming language highlights C# upholds are generics and auto statements of types and assortments, lambda articulations, dynamic programming, nonconcurrent programming, tuples, design coordinating, high-level troubleshooting, and special case dealing.

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